Developing a Strategic Narrative to Revitalize the Gum Category through the Promotion of Chewing Benefits

Gum sales have been declining for nearly 20 years since the 2000s. The rise of smartphones, fewer idle moments, and a decrease in driving opportunities have all contributed to this shift away from chewing gum.

To counter this trend, Lotte has been actively promoting the benefits of chewing through research conducted by its Chewing Research Department. Beyond medical professionals and researchers, the company has expanded its network of advocates to include athletes, trainers, beauty experts, and even local governments, creating a larger movement to highlight the value of chewing.

Honda Office played a key role in shaping the strategic narrative and directing PR efforts for this project. We introduced "Gum Training" ("GumTre") as the central concept, developed the GumTre Method, and built a communication framework that allows third-party voices to effectively convey the benefits of chewing.

As a result, gum sales in the 2023 fiscal year (April 2023 – March 2024) increased by 5.5% year-on-year, marking the first signs of recovery.


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